Wednesday, May 27, 2009

DiaKine starts Phase-I clinical trials on Lisofylline (LSF)

DiaKine is about to start it's first clinical trial in a research program aimed at curing type-1 diabetes. Their treatment is Lisofylline (LSF), an anti-inflammatory drug that (in NOD mice) has prevented type-1 diabetes and (when given with exendin-4) cured existing type-1 diabetes.

Previously (in May 2008) DiaKine has formed a joint project with Kinexum Metabolics, to run a human trial (phase-II) using both of their drugs together (LSF and INGAP). The combination had already given good results in NOD mice. That trial was supposed to start in "late 2008". Kinexum Metabolics has since changed it's name to Exsulin (not INsulin, but EXsulin. Get it?) I can't find any record of the LSF+INGAP trial starting, but each company is testing it's own stuff seperately, so maybe after that, they'll test them together. I know a lot of people are interested in an anti-inflammatory and a beta-cell growing combination therapy, and obviously these two companies are interested in that, also. In any case, this trial is LSF only, not the combo they talked about earlier.

The current trial involves 8 people, and is supposed to start in May 2009 and be done by December 2009.

This research is being done in New Jersey.

You can read a news article here:,821004.shtml

The US FDA's clinical trial record is here:

And the official press release is here (and is better than most):

The press release talking about LSF+INGAP together is here:

I want to thank the Wainscoat family for bringing this to my attention.

Joshua Levy

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